
Calton Chronicals

Calton Photos...

Calton Socialite Society...............

Calton Sports Stars

Calton Fighting Men

San Toi Re-united

Calton..Gone but not forgotten

Auld  Calton Toon..Photos

Calton Dames

Personal Tributes..James Lee

History of Calton

Calton Dames


                                                  St. Alphonsus

                          Charlotte St


 Class of 1951 ....Were you in this class .....or do you know                                          

                                      Who is who..



                 Please let me know

San Tongs 78....see sports stars page

If you ever played football for any calton Football Teams ....please send in any photos that you want included in our Sporting section....and join the likes of Stevie 'The Bull' Bulloch...the everpresent destroyer of many a feeble Sou-Side forward line attack... or  'Baby Davy' Moore..the Wing Wizard , tormentor of the hot headed ... Uncle Tony McInnes ( we love you Tony) ,  who demanded to play Left - back at every possabillity  ( as did Wadge... don,t think he was ever in a winning team ), against the mighty Caltonian footballing Titans..............what a mistake.

 Read through our sporting page to grasp the utter devistation inflickted upon the once dominant Gorbals football teams...

 Editors Note...Dear Gorbaloonians , V. Sorry to see your beloved Adelphi football pitch in Ballater St. turned into a Swimming Pool /Sports centre........ Maybe you might want to challenge us  to a water Polo match , or a wee cissy game of Tennis . Tis' a pity that you will never get the Chance to take revenge for the hammerings that you took in the last few years of the old Gorbals Cup ....

   Dear Caltonians..  Look what the London Rd. used to look like before the Calton conspiracy took hold...  

 A section of the building across the  still stands to this day , The shop with the light coloured canopy  housing the HQ for the Scottish Socialist Party ( more well known as Davy o Briens jewelers)......The photograph was taken at the corner of Charlotte St. on the London Rd. .... What ever happened to the place...

If you would like to see what is happening  in and around the Calton area .....  

misterglasgow on youtube

Calton Chronicals

                                         DISCLAIMER ...  


To put you in the picture ...the title of this website realcaltontongs is basically a romantic title for anyone wanting to know    whats happenning in and around the Calton area...  So please don't bother complaining about any of the contents or you might become aquainted with a couple of the Romantic fine night..


If you ....the Viewer .have anything about the Calton that you would like to include ...please E mail it to me  by E Mail to

London Road at the corner of `Charlotte St...circa 19??


calton street league ......