History of Calton

Calton Chronicals

Calton Photos...

Calton Socialite Society...............

Calton Sports Stars

Calton Fighting Men

San Toi Re-united

Calton..Gone but not forgotten

Auld  Calton Toon..Photos

Calton Dames

Personal Tributes..James Lee

History of Calton

Calton Dames


TONGS YA BASS, and welcome to the  Calton Tongs Website.

 I'm sorry but i am going to have to cyber search ( yir khyber),,,tae see if ye hiv any World Wide Weapons. planked on yir person.........wummin  first.

 You might wonder why that there are photos of old Grannies ,and wee guys drinkin', and football teams nobody cares about, photos of auld tramps ,n' dirty streets ,,,,because they have all been part of the calton .   

 So what i hear you say ,,,,,,,,,,,well  you might want to ask Sir William Wallace that question, or Rob Roy McGreegoro ( first noted leader-off of the Real Calton Tongs),
or the Bonnie Prince Charlie ( an   A-hole ) He robbed the young Jacobite Tongs  for seven hundred odd quid,  and all the footwear the Y.J.Tongs  were wearing  ,honestly)

Or you could ask David Dale , The Great industrialist,who lived in comfort in Charlotte St.,    Davy  incidently was the man built an industrial village in New Lanark....self sufficient in every way, paying his happy workers with 'David Dale Waashers'...............i.e... coins with his big Knapper oan them.. They were all alledgedly delighted to to living and working there......Which brings me to thoughts of what was living in Charlotte Street akin to .................
Or Brother Walfrid , noted for the creation of the great Calton Celtic  FC  ( why not they were all from the Calton )  now renamed  Glasgow Celtic  FC of course.........) On a more recent note , it may have came to your attention that a group of thoughtfull Celtic supporters ,some of them Hail Hailing from the Sacred  Village of Carfin , have managed to raise funds in excess of eighty thousand smackers ,in order to create a magnificent life-size bronze Statue ( Don't say THAT ...........some Blue-nosed Scrap-metal scoofer  fae Camlachie will have it melted down before ye know it)

You could have asked  Gentleman Johnnie Ramensky, the Patron Saint of safeblowers. War hero ......sent over from the Calton to rattle Adolf Hitlers SS Head-Quarters.............I wonder if he left the calling card of of the burgaling fraternity................the emptying of  the contents of ones 'Simon Cowells' .............Pony and Trapping all over the gaffe .....till the nerves in your stomach settle............Just a thought.....Gentleman Johnny was also a regular visitor and possible resident  in the Chorry Pend in Charlotte Street ........a notorious haunt and hide-out for many of Glasgows more active criminals

  Calton  was at one time know by the name of 'Blackfaulds'.........but Big 'Cal'  was born on the estate  circa 1200 and something ( he alledgedlly kicked f-ck out of  an adolescent William Wallace when the wee Bastard try tae blag an ageing 'Cals' last bit of 'Puff' from his Stash tin......rapidly taking over by the time  he was 19 years of age..............creating a wee 'toun' or 'Ton' of his own.......

 Only jokin' obootra last bit troops........Where does the the Calton come from .....if i was to have one more stab at an explanation.......i would be inclined  to consider another bit of gaelic i.e 'Cal' ,  I have been told by a top notch natural gaelic speaker ....'Cal' sounds like a  Gaelic word used for 'Cell' as in prison cell......which leads me on to the well documented     Fact/Myth.... that Sir Robert Peel  was not in fact the founder of thee biggest gang in Britain .......i.e.....the Effin Polis......but contrary to popular belief.......the first Effin Police where formed in the 'Cal'toun........ i.e 'Cell' toun .......due to the high number of wild drunken residents who inhabited Calton and the surrounding area  Circa ......when ever it was . taking into account.....the piece of land which made up the calton area was the most central and populated part  of Scotland ...( As it is today)......

 Not that long ago ( right up until the early 1980s')...calton had the distinction of having the services of 2 Fully staffed Police Stations  ......E Division....who here based at Tobago Street.......now at London Road. ......and another  Serious Crime Office   based at Turnbull Street........now all living of their proceeds in far flung bolt-holes.........When  any off these two out-fits managed to incarserate any unfortunate who happened to resemble a suspect.........they only had to travel the short distance to take part in any trial that took place in the nearby Magistrates court , sited right next door to the Cop Shop........


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Favorite Sites
TOMMY CARBERRY Talks Football Tam Carberry , "CAD BY NAME", Tommy talks football.
TOMMY BURNS Talks Football Tam Burns takes us back to his Calton origins.( SOON)
Rev. LEITH FISHER Talks Football Reverand Leith Fisher talks Calton footballs here!
DAIDE McCLURE Talks Football Website with Daides' calton football interview.

 Details of the 'Caltons 1st. official Player of the Year' 2004

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