Calton Socialite Society...............

Calton Chronicals

Calton Photos...

Calton Socialite Society...............

Calton Sports Stars

Calton Fighting Men

San Toi Re-united

Calton..Gone but not forgotten

Auld  Calton Toon..Photos

Calton Dames

Personal Tributes..James Lee

History of Calton

Calton Dames

People who enjoy a wee night out

Welcome to the Caltonian Socialite Society......this section should be over flowing with quality .......and soon will be when i get the chance.

Swifty McColl................
Nobody was complaining when Swifty  had a few quid ....couldn,t resist taking a swally......Brilliant Patter......

One of the famous McNamara Bros.,

James "would" buy and sell you, yir

Granny probably bought her nettin,

curtains fae Jimmy,if she wants a

refund,you can catch him in Cairns,s Bar ,,,

 More than Sadly ...James McNamara

 Has reached his last orders....Passing away

 in 2006.....

Dirty Dick Barton ....Sipping a drop of liquid explosive

Mr B having a rare tipple......mind your Napper when standing to close to this unpredicktable socialite

Nationalist Tongs

Dunky McManus ...Shorty McCue ...Irvy Downie..Wully McDonald...Steven Storrie... ( Don,t know the other guy) Enjoying the Craic at the Nationalist... This is the fine establishment that was falsely portrayed in the grossly fannied up book by the thrice name Janey Currie /Storrie/ Godley... she must have had warrants out for her arrest... for  fraud...

Bertie Alphonsus Clarke.......Gallagate American

Auld Blue Eyes,  I remember Bertie

when i was  6 or 7 years old  (1970ish)

, he used to terrify the life out of me with

his haunting impersonation of James Cagney

 doing his   "I don't wanna die"   bit.


Fancy Dress @ Dirty Dicks

  Eileen Keating.. Granny Katy .. Auntie Jean...Maureen Fearon ( Tich's sister)..Brenda Breslin..Dick Barton.. Cathy Lafferty Barton